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Foot Odor Causes

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the feet that can spread to other areas such as toenails and the groin. A plant organism called tinea pedis (called tinea cruris when it affects the groin) causes it. It is generally transmitted through exposure to moist areas such as public showers and pools. On the feet, symptoms include redness, itching, swelling, and small blisters. Treatment usually involves an antifungal agent and improved hygiene. Studies have shown that improving hygiene can greatly reduce the risk of contracting athlete's foot, as well as aid in clearing up existing fungal infections of the foot and toenail.

When athlete's foot spreads to the toenail, the resulting nail fungus appears as discoloration and can change in the thickness of the nail. Toenail fungus will turn the nail a yellow or brownish color. Tinea pedis will also create white marks on the nail itself, as well as give off a foul odor. Treatment with an antifungal agent, combined with keeping the affected area clean and dry, will speed the healing process, whether in the foot alone or on toenails. To prevent both the spread of the fungal infection, and to prevent further bacterial infection due to open sores, it is advised that treatment begin as soon as symptoms are noticed.

Two characteristics of athlete's foot are blisters and itching. Excessive scratching can break open blisters and scrape openings in the skin, opening a person to secondary bacterial infection. The use of antiseptic cleansers to clean broken skin during the course of a fungal infection can reduce the risk of secondary infection. Additionally, early treatment of tinea pedis can lessen the scaling and cracked skin associated with fungal infections, thus reducing openings in the skin susceptible to bacteria.

There are numerous over the counter and prescription medications used in the treatment of a variety of fungal infections. However, there are also natural alternatives. Tea tree oil has been shown to relieve the symptoms associated with athlete's foot. Likewise, a compound found in garlic extract known as ajoene, has been used in the treatment of tinea pedis. These natural, green alternatives provide relief and treatment options without the need for harsh chemicals. They also do not contribute to the bacterial resistance often associated with the overuse of prescription antibiotics. Natural alternative treatments, combined with proper hygiene and attentive foot care provides symptom relief, kills fungi, and aids in the prevention of future infection.

SuperBodyCare.com's soap and gels are the perfect green alternative solution to the other bacterial infection treatments on the market. SuperBodyCare.com's soap is made with natural plant oils of Peppermint, Tea Tree Rosemary, and Lavender. For more information about if SuperBodyCare.com's products can help you with things like athlete's foot, nail fungus, toenail fungus, etc.

What Exactly is Athlete's Foot?