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If you are an individual who is plagued by smelly and sweaty feet, there are actions that you can take, to help you overcome this problem, along with the humiliation and distress that often accompanies it.

Sweaty, smelly feet are mainly due to excessive bacteria and foot perspiration. The amount of sweat that is produced, is determined in large part on an individuals emotions, including nervousness, fear, falling in love, and performance anxiety either associated with work, or sex.

Other major catalysts for excessive sweating of the feet are: heavy exercise, wearing snug fitting shoes, consuming large amounts of water, a job with a high level of physical requirements, wearing non-breathable shoes for long stretches of time.

When your feet sweat, and the sweat is confined within your shoes, foot odor develops. The offending odor is a product of these elements reacting with bacteria.

Individuals who suffer from foot odor will often feel too embarrassed to try on shoes at the store, and in some cases, the mixture of bacteria and moisture can create such a severe case of smelly feet that the individual will feel the need to isolate themselves socially. The frequent moisture and pressure will lead to premature breakdown of your footwear, as there will be a deterioration of the padding, stitching, and other materials.

Most individuals, barring a lack of odor perception, are aware when they have a foot odor problem. Certain individuals misdiagnose unpleasant foot odor for a sweet aroma, while others have become so accustomed to the offending odor of their feet, that they are not affected by it anymore, but unfortunately, the people in their immediate area are severely affected.

- Superior hygiene is vital in dealing with this problem, so above all, you must ensure that your feet are cleaned and dried at least once, but preferable twice each day.
- Allow shoes to dry for 24 hours. This means that you will need to switch off shoes daily.
- Baking soda works well at absorbing odor and moisture, so you should sprinkle some in your shoes when you are done wearing them for the day.
- Onions, eggs, garlic, some cheeses, black pepper, and other strong foods may be a problem for individuals inclined to smelly feet, so these foods should be avoided.
- Ensure that your feet are able to breath adequately, by wearing shoes, socks, and hose that fit correctly and are constructed of natural materials.
- Change your hosiery or socks at least twice each day and sprinkle powder on your feet to keep your skin from becoming soggy, and to help your feet remain dry.
- Add proven internal odor preventing foods and drinks to your diet, including parsley, spirulina, and green drinks, which are rich in chlorophyll and vitamin A.

Foot Odor Causes

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Identifying the Causes of Smelly, Sweaty Feet, and Finding Remedies For This Condition

Foot Odor Causes