Examine Most Common Heel Pain Causes far more

Below is a list of the most common heel pain causes that every person should be aware of and understand.

Plantar Fascilitis

This is the condition whereby the bottom of the foot gets inflamed, and can be caused by any of the following: high arches, old age, flat feet, excessive running, Achilles tendon problems and obesity. The pain can be temporarily reduced by taking NSAIDS drugs with Ibuprofen and Advil being the most common. Diclofenac, or sterioids such as Dexamethasone, can help, with steroid injections. for the worst conditions.

Achilles Tendinitis

This is the condition whereby the large tendon which connects a person's calf muscle to their heels gets inflamed. It is primarily caused by shoes that lack shock absorption or inadequate stability, sudden outward or inward turning of the heel before it hits the ground, frequent running on concrete and lack of flexibility and tightness of the person's calf muscles. To avoid these particular heel pain causes, doctors advise patients to buy comfortable shoes that provide adequate cushioning and efficient arch support, and do the necessary warm up and cool down techniques before and after a strenuous work-out.

Calcaneal spur

This is the condition whereby bony tissue is formed on a person's calceneous (heel) bone. This is triggered by extreme pressure which is frequently endured by the sinew of the soles of the feet. To prevent these types of heel pain causes, patients are advised to do warm up stretches before engaging in any sport or long exercise work-out. If ever you intended to use jogging as your form of daily exercise, then make sure you do it daily rather than run long distances in just one day because it can place undue strain on your heels


This is a condition whereby either the bone or cartilage of a joint gets inflamed. It is one of the main heel pain causes that are triggered by growth disturbances or recurrent injuries. Patients who experience this condition complain of stiffness, joint pain and locking of the joints, making their movement very limited. There is no specific medical cure for this type of condition, nevertheless arthroscopic surgery is often the most common type of treatment used by doctors in order to remove the loose bone tissue and cartilage from the joint.

There are over 30 heel pain causes enumerated by doctors which trigger heel pain. A few of the alternative treatments include the use of acupressure, turmeric, stretching, hydrotherapy, rice vinegar steam baths, foot sacks, heel supports, Chinese herb shoe pads and other types of Chinese herbs. Heel pain can definitely be avoided, so next time you plan of working out or jogging, make sure that you use the most comfortable shoes because this can save you a lifetime of pain from heel injuries or infections.

Michael Scott-Marshall believes that with so many causes of heel pain, it is important to seek medical advice if the problem persists. Heel pain causes can easily be diagnosed in the majority of cases with a quick examination, and the correct treatment program prescribed.

Most Common Heel Pain Causes

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